Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Overture's Shift to Default Broad Match

Overture Overture will soon make a major switch, matching terms on a broad basis, rather than the traditional exact match default it's followed since the company the story

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

U.S. Web Usage and Traffic, August 2004

Web Traffic: "Nielsen//NetRatings examined where U.S. Internet users were going and how long they were staying during August 2004. While there were far fewer at-work users than there were at home, the working Internet population spent more time online and surfing. " the story

Wednesday, September 8, 2004

Seo Tools For Keyword Research -> High Rankings Search Engine Optimization Forum

Seo Tools For Keyword Research -> High Rankings: "Eight SEO Tools that are very helpful in doing keyword research. The following review looks at some of the best free internet based keyword research tool. . ."

Sunday, September 5, 2004

Overture Shifting To Default Broad Match

Overture Shifting To Default Broad Match: "Within the next few weeks, Overture will make a major switch to matching terms on a broad basis, rather than the traditional exact match default it has followed since the company's launch." the story