Tuesday, July 29, 2008

YouTube - Google Analytics Interface Tutorial

YouTube - Google Analytics Interface Tutorial A nice little 8 minute video on YouTube that goes over Google Analytics Interfact. A nice little tutorial if you're new to Analytics and need to know the basics.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Clickin' it Rich download area

Clickin' it Rich download area: "Michael Campbell is the CEO Dynamic Media Corporation. Author of Revenge of the Mininet, Nothing but 'Net, Clickin' it Rich and the Internet Marketing Secrets newsletter."

If you'd like to download his ebook "Clickin' it Rich" for free just go to this page http://www.clickinitrich.com/cir/ Michael has been online for years and knows his stuff when it comes to making money online.

His other ebook "Revenge of the Mininet" can be downloaded in PDF or MP3 here

At one time he sold these, but now offers them for free. Do yourself a favor and subscribe to his newsletter while you're there. He's a genious.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Inspirational Movie

Is it raining at your house? It's pouring here in Ohio. I was flipping through my emails and came across this inspirational movie "Secrets of Adulthood", what I have learned. If you need something positive to get your motor up and running, take a few minutes to watch. Heck, we all need some reinforcements from time to time.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Google Docs Templates

Google Docs Templates I love Google
docs. It's a great way to work on your Word docs and other presentations from any computer. They're constantly adding new features to his free little service. Isn't that so Google? They recently announced the launch of "Google Doc Templates Directory". These templates includes business plans, resumes, letterheads and other handy dandy little tools. Check it out, you can thank me later.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

MarketingSherpa: New Search Research From Sherpa: 1,928 Marketers Reveal Top Strategies to Increase Search ROI

MarketingSherpa: New Search Research From Sherpa "MarketingSherpa's fifth annual Search Marketing Benchmark Guide has been completely rewritten and re-researched.
Includes new data from 1,928 search marketers"- Some of the highlights, search strategy budgeting, Search marketers most under-used metrics, analytics behind Google and more.

14 pages in PDF format at no cost to you.

Monday, July 14, 2008

John Reese is Back with Traffic Secrets 2

John Reese is back with Traffic Secrets 2. Even if you have no interest in purchasing the course go and watch these free videos on site traffic. It won't cost you a thing and you'll learn some tips and tricks to apply to your own websites.

Are you interested in...

- Generating floods of targeted traffic to
any of your Web sites?


- Finding simple ways to start a new
online business or expand an existing

If so, then you've got to RUN, not walk,
over to this page and check out this
amazing new video:


You'll also some discover some great
news about John Reese's upcoming
"Traffic Secrets 2.0" course -- it's the
long awaited sequel to the 'famous'
best-selling Traffic Secrets course.


You can actually go right now and
watch TWO new videos from John.
Go to this page to watch them:


Sunday, July 13, 2008

SearchBoth.com - Search both Google & Yahoo at the same time!

SearchBoth.com- This is pretty cool. Now you can search Yahoo and Google both at the same time. View the search results for both engines on a split page. I think I like this.