The problem with social media networking is you end up with multiple user names and profiles all over the place. How do you keep track of them all? With Retaggr you enter all of your information and they create your customized online business card with all of your social media sites. Very cool. When done creating you can grab a direct url to your profile page or grab the code like below to paste onto your blog or webpage.
Friday, February 27, 2009
Retaggr- Central Place for all Your Social Media Activity
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
The Article Marketer Article Submission Service
Article Marketer is an online script that allows you to post your article through a submission form. The script then distributes your articles to multiple publishers and multiple article directories.
What Article Marketer actually does is allow you to submit your article to their distribution service. Currently the service offers distribution of your articles to 5,291 article directories and 67,251 publishers.
Through an online form, you submit your article for submission. The system receives your article and it is reviewed by a human editor. The editor makes sure it meets the general standards of the article directories that belong to the service.
Once your article is approved, usually within 24 hours, it is released to the article submission script. The script gradually, over the course of a few weeks, submits your article to all of the directories that offer a category for your article.
This procedure allows you to add your articles naturally, over time, just the way the search engines like it.
What I like the most about this product is:
1. It's so easy. All I have to do is copy and paste my article into the form, choose my categories, and click submit. It only takes about 30 seconds to do this.
2. It's automated. I can set my articles to go out whenever I want them to - up to a year from now. This is convenient for writers who like to write their articles in batches and post when they have time.
3. Huge distribution list. Right now, the distribution list offers 5,291 directories and 67,251 publishers. It's the largest article distribution network online.
This means having your articles syndicated on more sites than any other article submission service. More chances for traffic equals more opportunities to make sales.
4. The Diamond Assurance Review. By having someone review my article before it goes out, I know that my submission will be approved by just about every article directory it is submitted to. Although some writers are a little intimidated by the idea of having their article reviewed, it is actually to their benefit. This service is included in the cost of membership.
I would recommend this service to anyone who wants more traffic. Just one good article is all it takes to drive thousands of visitors to your site. Because this service is online, it works in any browser, and on any computer.
If I could choose only one tool to help me market my business, this would definitely be it. For those of us who have busy schedules and don't have a whole lot of time to market, this tool is priceless.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Get Your Twitter Mosaic
How fun is this? A visual image, mosaic of your Twitter followers/friends. Just type in your user name and it creates the code to paste on your webpage or blog.